Adding adsense inside post will help you increase revenue. But the amount you earns depends on your Search Engine Optimization (SEO), traffic level, audience and type of ads being served to you. You won’t need to do it manually on every single post, once you follow the steps I will show you, the Adsense ad appears automatically inside all single posts.
Now, You can easily put your ads inside blogger post.
Just follow these simple steps:
Note: Before adding code, You have to convert adsense code to xml format.
You may convert AdSense code here ➤➤(Parse It Here)
Now, You need to add your parsed code in the below piece of code and then you can use it in your template.
Now, You can easily put your ads inside blogger post.
Just follow these simple steps:
Note: Before adding code, You have to convert adsense code to xml format.
You may convert AdSense code here ➤➤(Parse It Here)
Now, You need to add your parsed code in the below piece of code and then you can use it in your template.
Add Your Adsense Inside Post Left Side
<b:if cond='data:blog.pageType == "item"'>
<div style="float:left;">
Put your adsense code here </div>
Add Your Adsense Inside Post Right Side
<b:if cond='data:blog.pageType == "item"'>
<div style="float:right;">
Put your adsense code here </div>
At Last:
Procedure to Put Adsense Ad Code
- Go to blogger dashboard >>edit html>>expand widgets:
- Press (ctrl+F) and search this <data:post.body/> if you find it twice in your template <data:post.body/> then try for both and check the result which is one is correct.
- If you want to add adsense ads at the top of post then simply past your code just above it <data:post.body/>
- If you want to add adsense ads at the bottom of post then simply past your code just below it <data:post.body/>